T. Clark Brelje, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development
6-160 Jackson Hall
321 Church St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Robert L. Sorenson, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development
6-160 Jackson Hall
321 Church St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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Glycogen (#1 and #2; dark green) - numerous clusters of small granules.
Cytoplasm (green)
Neutrophils use anaerobic glycolysis of the abundant glycogen as an energy source. Useful in the low oxygen environment of inflamed (or damaged) tissue.
Neutrophil Activation
Neutrophils are among the first immune cells to arrive at a site of infection. They leave the circulation and migrate into tissues where they phagocytose microbes and other foreign substances.
Neutrophil granules play a pivotal role in these processes.
Gelatinase granules are secreted during movement through the walls of blood vessels (diapedesis).
Exposes additional adhesion and chemotatic receptors on the cell surface
Releases extracellular matrix degrading enzymes to digest the basal lamina.
Limited secretion of specific granules to aid migration through tissues.
Exposes receptors on the cell surface that recognize microbes.
Releases extracellular matrix degrading enzymes.
Neutrophils are attracted by a variety of signaling molecules that bind to cell surface receptors (chemotaxis).
Intracellular Killing
Neutrophils rapidly engage, engulf, and kill microbes.
Microbes are recognized by cell surface receptors.
Phagocytosis of microbes into phagosomes.
Specfic and azurophilic granules fuse with phagosomes to form phagolysosomes.
Microbes inside phagolysosomes are damaged and killed using the contents from both types of granules.
Antimicrobrial proteins, bactericidal enzymes, serine proteases, and acid hydrolases.
Generation of more effective cytotoxic oxidants (i.e., respiratory burst).
NADPH oxidase (from specific granules) produces toxic oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Myeloperoxidase (from azurophilic granules) converts hydrogen peroxide to highly toxic hypochlorous acid (HOCl; similar to bleach) which is extremely antibacterial.
Neutrophils primed by some cytokines or overstimulation release specific and azurophilic granules damaging host tissues.