T. Clark Brelje, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development
6-160 Jackson Hall
321 Church St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Robert L. Sorenson, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development
6-160 Jackson Hall
321 Church St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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This image was obtained with a 60x oil immersion objective. The increased resolution is helpful in viewing thick skin.
Thick skin (>5 mm) covers the palms of the hand and soles of the feet. The outer keratin layer is substantially thicker than in other parts of the body.
Epidermis - stratified squamous keratinized epithelium divided into five strata (or layers).
Stratum Basalis - single layer of germinal cells resting on the basement membrane which is attached to the dermis.
Stratum Spinosum - keratinocytes attached to each other by desmosomes on spiny processes.
Stratum Granulosum - keratinocytes with numerous basophilic granules in their cytoplasm.
Stratum Lucidum - highly refractive zone only seen in very thick skin (see MH 235 Thick Skin).
Stratum Corneum - thick layer of dead cells devoid of nuclei and organelles.
Dermis - dense irregular connective tissue that supports the epidermis.