Histology Guide virtual histology laboratory

Chapter 7 - Peripheral Blood

Questions are provided for the most important slides of this chapter. This quiz only covers material that one would be expected to discuss in a histology laboratory.

What dye(s) was used for analysis of blood? [+]

Wright's stain

Blood is fluid connective tissue that contains what percentages of plasma, red blood cells, and white blood cells: [+]

  • 50 to 65% plasma
  • 35 to 50% red blood cells (40 to 50% in men, 35 to 45% in women)
  • < 1% white blood cells

Part 01


Peripheral Blood 01

Part 02

What is another name for white blood cells? [+]


Name the three types of granulocytes and their approximate percentage of white blood cells: [+]

  • 50 to 70% neutrophils
  • 2 to 5% eosinophils
  • < 1% basophils

Name the two types of agranulocytes and their approximate percentage of white blood cells: [+]

  • 25 to 30% lymphocytes
  • 3 to 8% monocytes

Name the two types of granules found in white blood cells: [+]

  • Specific granules (or secondary granules)
  • Azurophilic granules (or primary granules)

Peripheral Blood 02


Peripheral Blood 03

Part 03


Peripheral Blood 04